Mark Cuban says Griner should be considered in the upcoming draft.

Brittney Griner in the NBA?

Imagine this: Next year in the middle of the NBA draft, maybe in the much later rounds, a name you didn't expect gets called. Though this athlete has the most all-time blocks in NCAA Basketball history, and has 18 more dunks than the closest competition, the name isn't one you would expect to hear in the NBA. This athlete is none other than Baylor’s Brittney Griner, whose NCAA basketball career ended this past weekend in Baylor’s untimely upset.

While there is no precedent for a female being drafted into the NBA, this week, Mark Cuban has made it clear he may be interested in Griner as a prospect. Cuban stated that, in regards to Griner playing in the NBA, “I would take her.” While known as an eccentric billionaire who doesn't have a filter, Cuban professed the wise statement, “We evaluate every draft-eligible player on the planet. The chance of any college graduate selected at the end of the draft making a roster is very, very small. We wouldn't be doing our job if we didn't consider everyone.” In regards to drafting Griner, he said, “Right now, I’d lean toward yes, just to see if she can do it.”

While Griner accepted the invitation of Cuban, tweeting, “I would hold my own! Lets do it,” not all women’s basketball enthusiasts are behind the idea. Head coach of Connecticut, Geno Auriemma, didn't profess the same faith in Griner as Cuban. Auriemma was quoted saying, "I think it would be a shame. The fact that a woman could actually play right now in the NBA and compete successfully against the level of play that they have is absolutely ludicrous.”

Though Geno Auriemma lacks faith, as a sports fan, I would be very interested to see Griner given a shot by the NBA. Though there is a large gap between men and women’s play, Griner is no regular individual. Giving her a chance to compete would be a win/win situation for both women’s and men’s basketball.

Photo courtesy of Sports Illustrated