Never too early to prepare for the next holiday get-together.

Approaching awkward topics during family visits

Thank God the holidays have come and gone. Sure, there were some great moments. Seeing family can sometimes be fun. Rekindling your hopeful holiday cheer by watching your younger cousins or nieces and nephews excitedly rip wrapping paper from wish list items is great for the soul.

On the flip side, though, constantly explaining your lifestyle choices (no Mom, blogging IS a job) to friends and family isn’t always a desired activity. On top of that, having to talk politics, religion, or any other polarizing topic is about as much fun as sitting through church (maybe not the best example here…).  Have no fear though; here are some easy ways to keep the holiday disagreements at an all time low:

Sit quietly: Sure it is the easy way out, but hey, it works. Maybe it works because I’m the youngest in the family, but sitting quietly and letting one of the other thousand people at the table talk when something awkward comes up is a sure fire way to keep your own stress down, while avoiding polarizing topics.

Don’t make inviting statements: Oh, so your cousin is a Republican and pro-concealed weapons? That’s great; don’t give him any ammo (nice pun, right?)! Avoid anything that resembles guns, John Boehner, or the fiscal cliff. Even if you think a caveat from your day may be safe, avoid it. Keep the conversation casual, and stick to topics that are neutral for everyone (i.e silly cat videos on YouTube).

Be moderate: This is a tough one for a radical person to do, but it is the best way to keep conversations light. Even if your uncle’s statements about Israel and Palestine are completely ludicrous, or your cousin's indignant speech after one semester of college rubs you the wrong way, don’t bite! It will make everything that much worse, and force you to engage in a conversation you don’t want to be in.

Good luck with the next family gathering, and if all else fails, don’t forget that most family outings come laced with a large amount of free booze!

Image courtesy of Dr. Vondie: Relationship Expert