An incredible episode!

American Dad, "Lost in Space"

I was so engrossed in last night's episode of American Dad that I was surprised when it ended. Say what you will about American Dad, and I do think a case can be made that there have been some lazy episodes in the last few seasons. But this was not one of them.

Perhaps the most amazing feat is that American Dad has made us interested in Jeff, both as a character in his own right, and in what he represents to Hayley. If you went back a few years, I doubt anyone would give a fig about Jeff. He was a one-note character, the loser stoner slacker bore, the idiot man-child who was chronically unable to get his act together. And now he is supporting an entire episode on his own. That is a truly amazing feat of storytelling and character development. (Not least for a Seth MacFarlane property. Zing!)

Also, the artwork in this episode: My God, the artwork. The animators did an incredible job in creating a vast, complex, three-dimensional space filled to the brim with hundreds of different bizarre alien species. And only a few were rip-offs (homages) of other aliens (the Andorian, of course; I also spotted an Ewok at the end of the bar). As far as I can tell, the vast majority of the characters in this episode were astounding unique creations. How long did it take them to make this episode? I am gobsmacked.

I have always felt that Jeff and Hayley's relationship was contrived. That they loved each other because the script said so. But this episode finally convinced me. Jeff at his stupidest and most stubborn is determined to get home to Hayley, because he doesn't know how not to love her. And Hayley, so often rejected by her own family, has finally found a guy who is devoted to loving her and making her happy. Here's hoping Earth turns out to be the second or third planet Jeff hits on his way home, and not the 46,999th.

Image copyright American Dad/20th Century FOX Television