Right now BEA is going in full swing in New York. If you're like me, you wish you could be there. But the next best thing is the streaming I wrote about on Wednesday and the awesome page of Book & Author Videos they put together for all of us sitting at home.
Here are some of the highlights I found:
1. Power Readers Talk: I wrote about this yesterday, but if you want to hear it from someone who is a power reader, hear what Ishmael Beah has to say about being a power reader himself.
2. HuffPost "Have Your Cupcake and Eat it Too": This is a cool interview series that BEA put together where they talk about popular books... and eat some cupcakes :) In this episode they talk about The Great Gatsby as a book and how it can inspire cupcakes.
3. Fun: They made their own Harlem Shake video. I'll let you form your own opinion on that.
What good are the videos?
The videos I link to are not amazing videos. They are not going to get hundreds of thousands of views on YouTube, and they are not going viral.
What they are to me, though, is a great first step for the publishing industry to break out of its book worm and recluse image and embrace the kind of community-oriented author and reader connection opportunities that will help the industry grow and thrive in the future.
It shows the personality of the people behind and inside of BEA, which is a great way for those of us who are not at the conference to get an idea of what everyone who makes the event happen is like.
I'd love to see a hundred of these kinds of videos, and I hope they expand this feature in the future.
What do you think? Did you like the book and video page?
Image Source: BEA Harlem Shake video