A look back at the dancer who was eliminated this week

Abby's Ultimate Dance Competition: Looking back at the Jessalynn and JoJo circus

Oh, memories! Remember when JoJo admitted that she didn't know what "immunity" meant? Or had never heard of either Cleopatra or Marie Antoinette? (JoJo is homeschooled by the way, so the fault there lies squarely with her mom Jessalynn.)

Lifetime remembers, and they have put together a handy collection of Jessalynn and JoJo clips to help bring back the nostalgia for the time when Abby hit JoJo with a foam rubber tube, or we learned that Jessalynn has been bleaching JoJo's hair blonde ever since she was two.

Few would argue that JoJo had the skills to compete with the other dancers. She was eternally a beat behind, and frequently had difficulty performing the moves and remembering the routines. But JoJo will be missed nevertheless.

Next week: the penultimate episode! Only two more left in the season, can you believe it?

Image courtesy Abby's Ultimate Dance Competition/Lifetime